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Minutes of the meeting of the Borough of Newtown Board of Burgesses on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at Town Hall South, Newtown.  Warden Gaston called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.

Present:  Warden James Gaston, Senior Burgess Crick, Second Senior Burgess Maher,
            Zoning Officer Jean St. Jean, Tax Collector Jodie Enriquez, Burgess Betsy
            Kenyon, Burgess Anthony Baiad, Clerk and Burgess Darlene Spencer, Treasurer
            and Burgess Marie Walker (8:07)

Absent:   None

        CORRECTION TO MAY 22, 2010 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES:  The motion to approve the Borough of Newtown’s Budget as presented for fiscal year 2010-11 was made before the budget vote not after the vote.  

        Burgess Kenyon made a motion to accept the May 11, 2010 minutes of the special meeting of the property owners and/or electors of the Borough of Newtown subject to the correction, seconded by Burgess Kenyon and unanimously approved.

        Burgess Baiad made a motion to accept the May 11, 2010 meeting minutes, seconded by Burgess Maher and unanimously approved.

        Public Participation:  None
        Warden’s Report:  Warden Gaston reported that he attended a meeting with United Water Company, State DOT, and others concerning United Water Company’s plan to pump water from Newtown to Brookfield.  Another meeting was held May 25th with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control (DPUC), Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH), Borough Attorney Don Mitchell, etc.  Approximately 40 people were in attendance.  The DPUC and the DPH were surprised that the Town and the Borough were not aware of United Water Company’s plans well in advance.  Warden Gaston stated that after considerable discussion the water company’s plans were stayed until June 17th.  There will be another meeting at that time in the Alexandria Room of the Edmond Town Hall at 2:00 p.m.  Warden Gaston noted that he has composed a freedom of information request for an inspection of records which Borough Attorney Mitchell has reviewed and will send to William Gerrish, Director of the Office of Communications, Department of Health.  Discussion followed.
        Zoning Officer St. Jean added that due to the water company meeting on June 17th, the meeting regarding the historic district grants has been moved to June 24th.  She and the First Selectman will be in attendance.  Burgess Kenyon cannot attend on that day.  Warden Gaston mentioned that Historic District Commission Chairman, Stephanie Gaston might be able to attend.

        Warden Gaston reported that he sent an acceptance letter to Alan Potter of Newtown Arbor Service and asked him to begin the pruning of trees on the west side of Main Street.  Also, a thank you letter was sent to Kodiak Tree & Landscape for their proposal.
        Warden Gaston stated that Ms. LaBelle 24 West Street called him regarding a tree that might need to be taken down.  He sent a letter to Tree Warden McCulloch and asked him to look into the matter.
        Warden Gaston said that he was asked by the Town’s Land Use Agency to update the Borough’s plan of conservation and development, etc.  He sent a letter to them answering their questions and explaining the Borough’s plan.
        Warden Gaston reported that he spoke to the Edmond Town Hall (ETH) Board of Managers recently regarding the Borough’s move to ETH.  He was informed that the old First Selectman’s office is the only room available for the Borough and that the adjoining secretary’s office is not available.  He told them that the Borough needs more than one room.  Discussion was held among the Burgesses about the possibility of moving into the old Town Clerk’s office with the adjoining vault.  Warden Gaston further noted that a sign entitled, “Borough of Newtown” will soon be hanging off the existing ETH sign.
       Warden Gaston received a call from a Borough resident complaining that a Town snow plow took out her curbing.  He sent a letter to Fred Hurley, Director of the Highway Department, and asked him to look into the matter and possibly rebuild the curb.

        Tree Warden:  No report in Tree Warden McCulloch’s absence.

        Tax Collector's Report:  Tax Collector Enriquez reported the following:  Total Taxes Due for the List of 2008:  $159,253.03.  Current Taxes $169,110.90; Back Taxes $2,535.69; Interest $1,807.85; Lien Fees $576.00; Return of Overpayments ($13,413.52).  Total Submitted to Treasurer to Date $156,500.00.  Current Taxes Collected 97.8%.

        Burgess Baiad made a motion to accept the Tax Collector’s Report, seconded by Burgess Walker and unanimously approved.

        Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Walker reported the following:  A transfer was made on June 8, 2010 of $16,000.00 to cover this month’s invoicing leaving a total of $215,284.52 in the NSBMM Account.  A deposit of $500.00 was made on May 17, 2010 from Tax Collector Enriquez making a total of $156,500.00 as of June 8, 2010.  Capital Reserve is $1,891.45 as of May 31, 2010.

        Burgess Spencer made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Burgess Kenyon and unanimously approved.

Zoning Officer’s Report:  Zoning Officer St. Jean updated the Board regarding the DEP filing and deposits to be made in July.  She updated the Burgesses regarding Dr. Beck’s proposal concerning his property at 12 Queen Street which will be received at the Borough Zoning Commission’s meeting on Wednesday, June 9th.  She noted that the doctor who purchased the property at 27 Church Hill Road was willing to grant the Town an easement to allow buses from Hawley School to use his driveway.  However, he asked the Town to pay an exorbitant price for the right.  The Town declined the offer.  Zoning Officer St. Jean said that St. Rose School was approved for their modular buildings.  She has been talking to Newfield Construction Company about fixing the cracks and buckling in the parking lot at St. Rose School.  Updates were given regarding Lexington Gardens and the stations to be installed near the traffic light at My Place Restaurant for pedestrians to regulate the traffic.

Burgess Spencer made motion to transfer $2,254.20 from Fire Hydrants to Office Supplies, seconded by Senior Burgess Crick and unanimously approved.

Burgess Spencer made a motion to transfer $511.66 from Fire Hydrants to Payroll Tax Expense, seconded by Burgess Kenyon and unanimously approved.

Historic District:  Burgess Kenyon said there are no new applications.  The plans of the Newtown Savings Bank and the residents of 58 Main Street are a work in progress.  She also reported that the Historic District Commission has not received an application for appropriateness from United Water Company.
Burgess Kenyon said that the “Entering the Borough of Newtown” signs are being painted and Burgess Maher has offered to help with the installation of them.

Sidewalks:  Burgess Maher stated that he will review the repair to be done to the sidewalks in front of the Rohmer residence.  Discussion followed.
Warden Gaston noted that Gordon Williams is asking again if the sidewalk in front of his house might be considered for repair.  Discussion followed.

Streets & Parks:  Burgess Maher reported that the bench in front of the Newtown General Store has been restored.  It was broken in half when a snow plow hit it.  Burgess Maher had it welded back together.

Old Business: None

New Business:  Warden Gaston read the letter of resignation from Clerk and Burgess Spencer.  Warden Gaston accepted the resignation with regret.

Burgess Baiad made a motion to appoint Ann Benore to fill the term of Clerk Spencer, seconded by Burgess Kenyon and unanimously approved.

Discussion was held regarding the Burgess position.

Warden Gaston read a proclamation commending Clerk and Burgess Spencer for her years of service.

Public Participation:  None

The regular meeting of the Borough of Newtown Board of Burgesses will be held on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Office at Town Hall South.

There being no further business, Burgess Kenyon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:42 p.m., seconded by Burgess Baiad and unanimously approved.

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

Darlene M. Spencer
Borough Clerk